Monday, September 20, 2010

Open House and Buddies

Last week was a busy week as we prepared for guests in our classroom. Thanks to all of you who came out for our special night!

Galilea and her mom

Dominic and his mom

Emma F. and her dad

Lilly's family

Madeline's family

Lucy P.'s family

Dylan's family

Everett's family

Dylan and his brother enjoy the treats!

Haylie shows her family the natural resources her group created

Lucy P's family is excited to see what she has to show them!

Piper's family checks out our world wall

"Thanks for coming to see our classroom!"

Buddy Reading
Allison and her buddy read through her book box books

Grace reads to her buddy

Emma reads to her buddy

Hallie and her buddy take turns reading pages to each other

Harrison and his buddy enjoy a book together

Galilea and her buddy had fun reading together

Haylie and her buddy get to know one another

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Open House

Room 6 has been busy and we have a lot to show you! Please join us Wednesday, September 15th. Open House is between 6-8pm.

Your student is anxious to show you his/her classroom! Hope to see you there.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Mrs. Chiu's intermediate class are our buddies this year, and we couldn't be happier with our good luck! As a buddy class, we will be reading together, helping one another on projects, taking field trips and enjoying time spent together. Every student is paired with one student from Mrs. Chiu's class.

For the first two weeks of school, our class has been choosing the books and Mrs. Chiu's class has been reading to us. What fun this has been! Today her long-term substitute Mr. Stanton took pictures of the students in his classroom. Ms. Tucker was not so clever :( But please enjoy the pictures he shared.

Evelyn and Evertt enjoy a graphic novel

Chyanne & Lucy P

Kylee & Jael

Lilly and Hannah enjoy a fairy tale

Piper reads to her big buddy Aiden!

Madeline gets read to on her birthday!

Austin listens closely as his buddy reads to him.

Blayne & Rowan

Alyssa & Kiera

Dominic & Ian

Cody & Jack

Monday, September 6, 2010

An Author Study: Mem Fox

I love studying the work of a particular author and enjoying several of his/her books during read aloud. For our first author study of the year, we'll be reading Mem Fox!

Authors often have wonderful, interactive websites, so before jumping into Mem's books I took a look at her site. She has a lot to say about reading and literature. One pearl of wisdom she has given me is that a child needs 1,000 books read to them before they can be expected to read. 1,000 books! As a teacher who loves to read aloud to children, I love this figure. It's a challenge I'm anxious to take on. Will you check out this link for Mem's 10 commandments of read alouds? Click Here. Will you read aloud to your child nightly? Even if your child can read for themselves there is still some magic in hearing a fluent adult read aloud. Besides, it's a great way to spend time together every day!

Happy reading!

Just a sampling of the many Mem Fox books we'll be enjoying together:

Friday, September 3, 2010


Let's admit it, blogs with photos are way more fun! Your students wanted to share with you their creations during math this week. We had 5 centers where we got to explore the use of our math manipulatives. See what we created!

Hallie and Piper discover that shapes make up many things in our world!

Lucy M opted out of the photo, but wanted her geometric masterpiece included

Lilly discovered that 2 x 17 = 34 using blocks and counting by 2's

Allison is getting good at writing her numbers!

Lucy P is proud of her work!

Anna and her hexagon cookie sandwiches

Liam created a hexagon out of 3 rhombuses

Lauren is building UP with her geometric shapes

Rowan creating many shapes in one

Everett creating a pattern

Haylie and Emma C. working together

How many shapes do you see, Dominic?

I promise Harrison ASKED me to take this photo :)

Galilea uses rubber bands and geoboards to make a star

Kylee made an interesting hexagon!

Grace created a variety of rectangles

Dylan's geoboard creation

Madeline using linking cubes to add

Kiera creates a person out of her pattern blocks

(if you didn't see your child, it may be because I don't have your signed picture release OR they opted out of having their picture taken)