Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Enjoy your summer!

I saw such LEAPS in learning this spring. Keep enjoying math, books, writing stories, and investigating your worlds this summer!

To help, I've compiled a list of links that I think are fun (click on the names to access the sites):

First, register for a class in our very own Summer Enrichment Program!

Summer Reading Program at Multnomah County Library

PBS Kids



PDX Kid's Calendar

Monday, June 6, 2011

End of Year Fun

The 2010-2011 School Year has come to a close and I'm grateful for the year I've had with all of you! I'll only ever have one first class, and I so enjoyed mine.

The end of the year was filled with reflection, celebration, fun and... food!

Portfolio Night, June 1st

Snacks and Pictures

How-To Books

Self-Portrait Art

Spring Blossoms

Math Games

Grace leads her family through her work

Zoie and Dylan share their fairy tales with family

Bounce House, June 2nd
I don't think any other Jog-a-Thon reward would've been so dearly loved than 30 minutes with the bounce houses!

Hallie and Anna

A blur of excitement!

with anticipation...



Last day of school!
June 3rd
Poetry Jam. We recited and heard over 30 poems recited!

Reciting a poem for our buddies

Big Yellow Pain
A poem we learned and recited with our buddies

Planet Earth and a snack!

Have a great summer!!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Primary Picnic

Weather permitting, we're having a Primary Picnic from 12:30-2:00 on Thursday, June 2nd. Please pack a lunch and feel free to bring a yard game to share!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

ECO planting

Wednesday was our turn to plant flowers and plants for our new outdoor classroom! What a gift that space will be for us in the years to come.

Dylan B and Harrison

Emma F and Austin

Lauren and Cai

Lilly and Galilea

Lucy P and Liam

Haylie and Jack

Anna and Madeline

Everett and Piper

Zoie and Kylee

Dylan T, Kiera and Sadie

Hallie and Emma C




Money, money, money

Ms. Tucker's math class has been learning all about money. Thursday we set up a class gallery and got to sell our own art!

Art made by Lucy and Abigail

Lily selling her work

Harrison purchases a piece of work by Nathaniel

The proud artist

Lilly's portrait

Anna has an interested buyer

Kalycia choosing a color

Lilly is a spender!

Sophie and Emma worked together on this project