Friday, September 3, 2010


Let's admit it, blogs with photos are way more fun! Your students wanted to share with you their creations during math this week. We had 5 centers where we got to explore the use of our math manipulatives. See what we created!

Hallie and Piper discover that shapes make up many things in our world!

Lucy M opted out of the photo, but wanted her geometric masterpiece included

Lilly discovered that 2 x 17 = 34 using blocks and counting by 2's

Allison is getting good at writing her numbers!

Lucy P is proud of her work!

Anna and her hexagon cookie sandwiches

Liam created a hexagon out of 3 rhombuses

Lauren is building UP with her geometric shapes

Rowan creating many shapes in one

Everett creating a pattern

Haylie and Emma C. working together

How many shapes do you see, Dominic?

I promise Harrison ASKED me to take this photo :)

Galilea uses rubber bands and geoboards to make a star

Kylee made an interesting hexagon!

Grace created a variety of rectangles

Dylan's geoboard creation

Madeline using linking cubes to add

Kiera creates a person out of her pattern blocks

(if you didn't see your child, it may be because I don't have your signed picture release OR they opted out of having their picture taken)