A 5 W poem answers these five questions: Who? What? When? Where? Why?
Our class wrote poems all about APPLES! Enjoy!
Galilea and Dylan
Picked the apples
In Seattle
Because they were covered in syrup.
Picked apples
At an apple farm
Because we were making apple crisp.
-Everett and Dominic
Picked worms out of apples
on Halloween
At Rowan's house
So we could eat them.
-Rowan and Emma F.
Hallie and Zoie
Picked juicy apples
At 5:00 on Saturday
In Hallie's field
Because it was Hallie's birthday.
Picked yummy apples
5 weeks ago
In a house
Because we have been in school 1,002 days.
-Austin and Lilly
Grew apples
4 weeks ago
In Safeway
Because they looked juicy.
-Grace and Piper
Kylee and Haylie
Picked apples and pears
In the jungle
Because it sounded fun.
Lauren and Dylan
Picked apples
In October
In a forest
Because they wanted to make apple juice.
Made apple jam
2 days ago
In the jungle
We're not sure why.
-Harrison and Liam
Kiera and Emma C.
Picked juicy apples
2 days ago
By some horses
Because they looked yummy.
Tasted apples
2 weeks ago
In an orchard
For a contest.
-Jack and Cai